Jesus, Knowing Him

06 Dec


Its a very delicate affair to understand Jesus; intense training is needed for this. It is just like understanding classical music. When you listen to classical music for the first time it may sound boring. It is so delicate, a long training is needed. You have to be an apprentice for many many years; only then your eyes are trained to catch the subtle. And then there is nothing like classical music; then ordinary day-to-day music, is not music at all, it is just noise. For enjoying classical music you need trained ears; without the training we hear noise and think it is music. Training is needed, and the more you are trained, the more the subtle becomes visible. But classiccal music is nothing before Jesus, because He is the cosmic music. You have to be so silent that there is no single flicker of thought, not a single movement in your being; only then can you hear Jesus, can you understannd Jesus, can you know him.


Posted by on December 6, 2012 in Spiritual thoughts


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2 responses to “Jesus, Knowing Him

  1. testimoniesofhisgoodness

    December 6, 2012 at 8:31 am

    I loved this analogy to knowing Jesus. I could feel your passion eminating through your words. Continue to let God use you for the honor and glory of his kingdom. God Bless!!

    • ranjivarughis

      December 6, 2012 at 3:54 pm

      Hi, I have been serving the Lord Jesus fir 32 years now – as a Sunday school teacher, Youth group leader and pastor. All I can say is that nothing compares to what the Lord has done and is doing for me. May God Bless you and your ministry too abundantly and greetings of the season.


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